Blog Post 4 - Sveg

Hi again!

After being unable to find the Great Lake Monster, I decided to take it easy with my traveling and move a bit more leisurely. I made a brief stop in Svenstavik (the southernmost end of the Great Lake) to see if I could find the monster, but no luck there. So I kept moving along and stopped at the cutest little museum in a place called Överhogdal. Apparently they found a Viking-era tapestry here back in the early 1900s and it's in surprisingly good shape! I really like the depiction of Yggdrasil, the tree of the world.

After that little stop I kept going to Sveg, where I saw something that made me stop in my tracks. A giant bear! In fact, the world's largest wooden bear! I was very impressed, though it's looking a bit worn down. And it's right by the road, too, so you definitely see it when you drive through the town.

Anyway, I'm going to keep moving on. I was able to find a sock pattern with Yggdrasil on it, but it's not a free one. Still, some of you might enjoy that!

